Brutal Recall 11 ch07

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Latest revision as of 03:05, 19 June 2007

   W<Y                            W<Y
  ZÅÅÄÓ  all about...bob/censor  ZÅÅÄÓ
 WÖÜ !"Y                        WÖÜ !"Y
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here's a live-interview with bob/censor
  done at the brutal party!
  it's not much of a facts-interview,but
  it is surtenly a good one!!
  the interviewers are r.c.s./legend and
  nuff said!
-as usual and pittyfull,we first need to
 know some more details about you...

 carlsberg! that the detail!!
 i'm 21 years and my name is robert.
 i've got a girlfriend since the censor
 gothenburg-party.  just like slaygon,
 but the difference is that he's got a
 family by now,with a 6 month old child!
 i'll wait making such a mistake...

-you are mainly known as a coder,but you
 also did some swapping..  why did you
 stop this swapping business?

 first was that i only got the same shit
 stuff from most of the guys.. except
 from the other elite groups!!  i also
 hated to copy all those disks and it
 took too much of my spare-time...

-have you been in many groups,or stuck
 to one special group?

 i started with a group called yankees,
 together with euzkera,swallow and
 contring in 1988.  then after 1 or 2
 months we joined agile.  the rest is
 light,triad,censor...  there are long
 stories everywhere!  it could easiely
 be written in a book.

-as a sweed,what do you think about that
 country and who are the best in the
 scene overthere?

 nobody,except us..  there's ofcourse
 horizon and light...
 sweden itself is the best country to
 be in,except that it is so fucking
 expensive!  especialy the booze!

-we're now situated at the brutal party.
 have you been to many other parties and
 which one is the best?

 dominators+upfront was absolutely the
 best one i've ever been to.  also the
 bonzai party was really cool!  dragon
 made a nice show overthere,which will
 remain in our hearts forever.
 i like most of the other parties.
 this one is pretty good too,as it is
 mostly the elite people here,and the
 competition for the competitions is
 the hardest ever!!  and the beaches are
 cool too!!

-if we look at the democharts of this
 month we see censor at spot 10.
 is this the right place or..

 ofcourse not!  but on the other hand we
 haven't done much. anyway,we are here
 to bring you something nasty...
 "wonderland 9"!!
 after this i think we'll return to the

-cracking is one of the big things in
 the scene.  censor used to crack pretty
 much,but nowadays i hardly get any

 first there is a very low interest in
 the c64 so it's very hard to get the
 originals fast. and if we're not
 amongst the first we don't give a shit
 about it anymore!!

-the scene is overloaded with magazines.
 are there any you read,or aren't you
 interested in them at all?

 i'm not interested at all!  i only read
 the sh0ck and that's it for me!!

-some favourites coming up as we need to
 think of some more questions...

 cracking crew  :legend
 demo crew      :horizon
 magazine       :sh0ck
 coder          :bogaloo/horizon
 graphic artist :dragon/censor
 music composer :danko/censor
 food           :wiener schnitzel
 drink          :carlsberg beer
 movie          :total recall

-you're only interested in things when
 they are big,and that also counts for
 football.  you don't like to play,but
 the european championship is something
 what do you think about the final
 between denmark and germany?

 it was like a dream for soccer! denmark
 from nowhere to number 1. they did the

-could you please give us the censor
 status and also what they are doing?

 i'll mainly mention the persons who've
 been involved in the production of

 bob - coder
 psycho - coder,modem,cracker,swapping
 dragon - graphic
 guran - coder
 mirage - graphic,sh0ck
 skater - modem,sh0ck
 sensei - graphic
 danko - music
 swallow - coder,music
 contring - coder
 slaygon - music

 ...there are more,but they take a break
    for the moment...

-have you ever tried to draw any graphic
 or to compose a music?

 i was a graphicer once. i also do some
 small graphics these days,but i never
 mention it. things like charsets etc..
 no music!

-about the amiga now... do you own one

 i hate the amiga and i will never own
 one.  it's a true guru computer.

-what do you think,makes a demo good?
 should it be well designed or must the
 code be outragious.

 the design and originality is the
 highest priority in the demo.  it are
 the things you have to think of all the
 time.  they shouldn't improve old ideas
 if it isn't special in some way. it is
 p.e. pretty boring to make 1000 plots
 instead of 999.  if you see something
 for the first time,everybody will
 remember it!

-is there any connection with you being
 bob,and the bob-routines shown...

 hahaha,actualy not. when i was eight,i
 had to enter my name on arcade games
 and i was in england and found out that
 'bob' means the same as robert in
 english. i simply used that instead.
 in those days,nobody had ever seen any

-some years ago,there was this war
 between censor and fairlight. did it
 have anything to do with the "aaaa",all
 against aaron?

 well,he made up a lot of lies,but some-
 how people started to believe him.
 after some time though,people found out
 the truth and then the "aaaa" came...

-what do you think about all those
 fucking irritating flies around here??

 we picked up the right time,because all
 the flies are fucking everywhere.
 they fuck behind the tv and on the
 drives and even on me,because of the
 warmth.  we are basicly being fucked!!
 boogaloo is fly-hunting.  for the
 moment he seems to have terminated 99%
 of the flies.  but it doesn't help much
 as the eggs are already laid.
 it's a hell!  they didn't let me sleep
 without being raped.

-this seems to pretty much one of those
 "damn what can i ask.." interviews,but
 it is pretty nice anyway,with some
 original questions.  we think we'll end
 here so wanna say anything.

 look out for wonderland!!
 let's go and look at the flies...
 if you wanna be interviewed then send

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