Brutal Recall 08 ch25

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Latest revision as of 02:16, 19 June 2007


         from our dear readers!

feel very welcome to the reactions of
  this issue.
  finally we did lots of things 'wrong'
  and we recieved some very good'n'long

the first one is from GREG of FACES and
  i've cut it into pieces with between
  the parts my comment!
  okay,lets start reading...

                 YO TCH!

well,first i'd like to make a correction
in demo reviews, you wrote that some zax
from of demo were ripped! man! you could
have read the note as it was written for
giving you the creds and addies. we told
it there too! from there you can see,
that all musics were made by me, louie-,
and valentine/faces! we never use ripped
zax, only in the note sometimes.
oops,i'm very sorry about that. but i
  searched my version of the demo again
  and on this disk there was NO note.
  i think the spreader was too lazy to
  copy it to me.  and as some tunes
  sounded very familiar i thought they
  were ripped. (atleast used before!!)
  well,i've changed the way of reviewing
  so there's no list anyway...
about cracker facts. i think that this
chapter is kinda useless:
-you dont have every versions of games,
 e.g.from those of issue 7, you could
 have almost all of our versions, as i
 sent them to RCS (some of'em)
-for this,the perfect place is the TRIAD
 GAMERS seems that more'n more
 mags start crack-analysis. A.W.T.B. is
 still OK,but your isnt necessary,coz if
 somebody is interested, he can look it
 in AWTB and GG.
again you are right! our "crackerfacts"
  really 'stink'. but as GAMERS GUIDE is
  history and they requested everybody
  to stop such version-rubbish to save
  the quality of the scene,we decided to
  drop it too.
what could you leave?
-demo reviews are not much sense this
 way. just write : code 70%, gfx 90%,
 music 60%, total 80%. this does not
 make a real review, you dont see the
 ideas, the style of the demo. the ideal
 demo review is,i think what SHOCK does.
 they analyze the demo, say the good and
 bad points, characterize the grafix,
 the tunes(as far as possible in written
 style).you should make sumthing similar
 to this, even if a bit shorter.i know
 that this makes less reviews,but better
 than these "statistics".
-you print too many addies. it would be
 enough for one issue only two or one
-da bocholt party is totally unnecessary
 coz so far, every mag that warned about
 this party, copied the invitation paper
 without adding anything new. you could
 make this chapter together with the
-demoreviews:yep,the way i 'reviewed'
   the demos was really crap,but as i
   wanted to review most of the demos
   being released i did it so lame.
   i used to do it even bigger than any
   other magazine (check the issue 3 for
   instance!) but this took me so much
   time (over 2 hours a demo) that i
   decided to do it 'lamer'.
   but now i've done it more expanded
   and i hope you're satisfied with my
   new way of reviewing. (this also
   counts for mag- and other reviews!!)
-too many addresses:okay,that's your
   opinion! in this issue we got even
   more addresses then last time.
   if you aren't interested in those
   addresses then don't load them!! but
   there are lots of dudes that are very
   interested in them! we print all
   addresses we find on vote-sheets,
   other papers and so on as those guys
   want their addy in! if we reduce the
   amount of addys,people will start to
   complain or stop sending votesheets
   to us. (just look at mamba,they asked
   money for printing your advert. the
   result is that mamba only gets about
   40 votesheets every month (mostly on
   the boards,so only from modemfreaks!)
   so should this be right!?
   i don't think so!!)
-bocholt-party unnecessary:okay,for you
   it is as you live in hungary and for
   sure won't visit this party.
   but there are surtenly some guys that
   got the intention to go there so i'll
   keep this text in here so they can
   find all about it!!
   the same goes for venlo!
there are too many chapters for opinions
reactions and stuff like that. one would
be alright for the montly topic, and one
for the reactions+opinions.that's just a
suggestion to make the mag shorter,coz
it still takes 1 side! or use a stronger
there's only 1 chapter for the reactions
  and anything that has to do with that!
  and stop complaining about the size of
  the mag. 1 side is not much at all!
  if a demogroup makes demos every month
  which are 2 sides,will you start to
  cry that they should make them smaller
  or just to leave some parts out of it!
  we use the best level-packer ever made
  so stop your nonsense about finding a
  better cruncher. i maybe improve it a
  bit if there's anything to improve but
  there's for sure not much i can do!
i read your article about voters.i react
on it later,but now ARTICLE! yes it came
to my mind that alot are complaining in
mags, that there are too many articles
in it! well, what is a magazine? not
only in the scene, but everyday.
what is a mag for? to read other peoples
addresses, to read who joined x and left
y? or to see ten crackers, ten zakkers,
etc, on a list, every month in different
imagine for exaple DAILY TELEGRAPH, or
"contact george bush, for hot political
-for hot atomic bomb swap,try s.hussein!
                          or imagine...
"-m.gorbatchew left the ussr. now he is
calling out on the usa boards....
         "months best musicians:
                     last time   votes
1.j.s.bach             (3)        274
2.w.a.mozart           (4)        230
3.f.schubert           (2)        195
4.j.strauss            (5)        163
5.r.wagner             (-)        134

comments:richard wagner is the months
hotshot! he made great with his new cool
tannhauser opera-remix!"

it would be quite weird wouldnt it?
i'm not against charts,addycorners,but
there can be articles that talk about
something, have some meaning.thats cool!
but most people say "lame bullshit! i
just wanna see myself on #1!"
it's right that some are complaining
  about articles in mags,but we in the
  'brutal recall' think we have pretty
  much articles.
  it's also right that you won't find
  any addresses in newspapers for hot
  swapping with george bush or wathever
  but you will find a lot of adverts in
  newspapers!! have you ever looked in
  a contact-corner... all you'll find
  there are adverts.

     "contact me for elite c64 swap"
    "write now for hot video trading"
  "to recieve brutal recall write now!"

  all adverts from people searching for
  more business. and i'm sure that BUSH
  isn't interested in mailtrading!!
  also you give the example of a music-
  list with some composers. you say this
  is quite weird. well infact it isn't!
  i don't know how it is in hungary,but
  here in holland there are dozens of
  magazines with lists of the best music
  groups,tunes,sold records+cd's+lp's
  and so on...
  there are even various television
  programs concerning these list like
  "national top 40","count-down",etc..
  also on MTV there's a show called
            YOU WANT TO SEE!!'
  you see,here the people can actualy
  vote for their favorite musicians!!!
i completely agree with yer vote-opinion
the only objective chart is coders and
crackers, coz it is the one that only
depends on ability. the rest is style,
taste,and subjective opinion. i often
hear "whata lamer!he voted for gotcha as
1st! when everyone knows that redstar
rules"...  thats ofcoz lame...
i fully agree in this!
about the USA. in fact, what's the sense
of a firstrelease? is there any law-book
that says:first release is a crack that
was fixed by americans, and had been on
boards first."
so the first release depends on fixing?
and boards?  you steal a fucking new
origi from a company, which nobody had
seen before, only you cracked had
the first release of it, coz you cracked
it first.that would be a sensual and
logical 1st release.but no, if an euro
gets the origi, cracks it 1 month later
than you, fixes it,uploads it, and makes
a so-called first release of it, two
months after your version, that is the
real "first release"....  lame!!!!
and what is the sense in fixing the crax
in the USA? there they only fix crax?
why dont they fix mags for instance?
it would have more sense than being able
to play a lame game in the US. as well!
what a coolness! i can have the same
shit game in the u.s. what i have here!
how cool isnt it!
or: why don't euros fix american stuff
crax, mags, and the like? a crack can
be fixed in the other way too!   it's a
pity that euros don't know american demo
groups, and the same with the US.
and the board problem.that's why smaller
cracker groups can't be on top. around
here we dont have modems, so we can't
get fixed versions, and be fast. also we
get the originals by mail, which is slow
like hell!
i won't go into the topic about this
  'firstrelease'-thing again as i did
  that already in issue 7.
  but i also think it'll be much better
  if the american+euro modemtraders will
  fix DEMOS+MAGS instead of stupid and
  lame games!!
  this way the difference between EUROPE
  and the USA will be smaller.
only one thing. the meaning chapter,what
i think,makes the least need of.
if you would refer to da groups by their
abbreviations in the other chapters, it
would be useful, and also would make the
text shorter.e.g. SPHERICAL design is
longer than SD. well there are sometimes
the same, like CD, SD, and so on, but
this can be written in full if required.
okay,we can start to write the names all
  with abbreviations,but then the text
  isn't easy to read,as you'll have to
  think all the time!!,and you'll get
  very tired of it.
  and why do you want the text to be
  short!?  i think a mag is about text!
  if you wanna read a magazine,do you
  take the one that's 1 piece of paper
  or the one with more pages.
  i'll write a little example text:

  man walk come.boom! siren.

  cool story,eh!
  well,this is a very stron example.
ok, i think that i put an end to this.
in total your mag is cool, the outfit
is the coolest that can be, userfriendly
and nice looking. the zax are also nice.
only minor disappointments are the few
that i listed the above pages.
your mag is coolest in the scene, coz shock, or mamba there is too
much US there is enough euro
and US stuff, to be read by an euro.

so i close this fucken long reaction.


okay,that was all there was to mention.
 on to the next ones that are about the

       "point of view"-chapter...

i've take a part out of 2 letters,one
  from TASKER/SILENCE and one from
TASKER:when i read the "point of view"
  chapter of issue #07 i was surprised!
  in that chapter there was a list of
  most active groups per country.
  well,nice idea i thought,but when i
  looked at the dutch democharts,i saw
  just 2 groups: FOCUS and PARADIZE.
  but i've seen much more dutch demos
  lately;like "A.J.KWAK DEMO" by SILENCE
         released on 1 oktober 1991,
         and "CRIMINAL" by VELOCITY
         released on 18 september 1991.
  these groups are probably not elite,
  but i thought you wanted to make a mag
  for all groups!! what i want to say is
  "please put all groups in your charts"
  holland does contain more than just
  2 (not that) active demogroups!

DANNY:yo tch!
  well,today i got brutal recall #07 and
  it's for sure one of the better mags
  around. but the reason for my writing
  is the column "point of view!"
  you wrote there that cross was the
  only releasing cracking group in far as i know cross-austria
  isn't releasing a single crack. but
  have a look on the disk i've sent you.
  there are lots of crack from us,A-TEAM
  and we are an austrian group too.
  have a look at in GG or AWTB and then
  write who is releasing something and
  who's not!
  please correct this in the next issue.
first before i react i want to say that
  i am NOT the one that writes the
  "point of view".
  it's R.C.S. his column so if you've
  anything to say about it,send to him!
  as GG is dead all the crackers just
  have to send a FAIR list of their
  releases to r.c.s. so he can make up
  his mind. the same counts for demos
  and other stuff.  just send it to him
  and he will judge who's best/active!

the last reaction was about an error in
  the texthunter. but thanx to TASKER of
  SILENCE for telling us,it's fixed now!

okay,send your reactions to this address

            "brutal recall!"

except for reactions on "point of view!"

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