Brutal Recall 07 ch22

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Latest revision as of 02:00, 19 June 2007


             the reactions.

maybe you can remember that i wrote an
  article about the use of short intros?
  well,i got many reactions on it and i
  will print two of them which contain
  most of all things..

          first one was written by

             BREGO an TRIAD
here's my reaction to the actual problem
  called "short intros".
  my letter is based on own thoughts and
  your arguments in an article in
  "brutal recall #6". let's start!

short intros sux!
we all know it:a lot of groups use short
  and (mostly) cheapcoded intros to make
  their crack shorter and to see their
  name higher in the versions-lists of a
  game in "gamers guide/triad". this is
  in my opinion pure nonsense because:
  -we stated that we don't rank versions
   they just have an order instead of
  -nobody cares who is on the first
   position;the voters (aha!) care on
   the other things like dox,highsaver,
   other things which are marked with
   the smiling face next to the version!

yes,tch,you're absolutely right:just
  look at the top-crackers in the charts
  nearly no group who always uses short
  intros. so what?! groups like massive
  or exotic designs will never enter the
  charts with their lame,ugly crap...

nowadays we haven't too many wares on
  the c64 anymore and the amount of
  budgets (which are mostly short) is
  increasing. so we have often empty
  blocks on the spreaddisks. let's take
  langer intros to fill these blocks!

to the crackers:it seems to me that you
  with your shorties aren't proud of
  your product at all. all your hard
  work on repairing,iffl-packing and
  megatraining doesn't make me smiling
  without an intro with some nice
  looking graphix,code or a funky music
  in the background.
  hey all you outthere:wake up,do
  something for the eyes of the mass of
  voters for the charts!!! it is also
  important for your reputation in the
  scene if you use always the same short
  intro or take these which are longer
  and sometimes code a new one to
  surprise your contacts+the scene.
  an example was ikari+talent.

i know that you wonder why i,brego of
  triad,write these thoughts but i tell
  you that i also would appreciate the
  idea to do new,langer triad-intros but
  with this proposal i talked into the
  deff ear of jerry/triad,our leader.
  but i must admit that he wants to
  continue with the "traditional" intros
  and this is also an argument coz triad
  used them a long time before a guide
  existed. triad's intros are also
  different from other shorties...
  if you can code a bit,look into the
  memory:some smart ideas to make the
  thing very short indeed!! however,i
  enjoy being a member of triad,and i
  won't leave them because i don't agree
  100% with them on one thing there.
  (did you read that,aslive/brainbombs?)
  nevertheless i want to send a big
  thanx to jerry of triad for letting
  democracy rule in triad so that every
  member can have/say his own opinion to
  everything conserning the group!!!

okay,final sentence:code longer intros,
  just give your release a pretty neat
  presentation+a decent crack and the
  votes will follow.


       the next on was written by


             -short or fat-

well,i know that you are complaining
  about putting short intros at the
  beginning of cracks. you are right
  when saying that it doesn't make the
  crackers proud to present a crack with
  a lame intro. that's right.
  but how is the game itself? well,just
  take a look at the games that are
  being released nowadays:monsters,
  adrenalin,switchblade etc... all suck
  like hell! now tell me,where's the
  point of putting a cool intro with
  cool graphix,music etc.. in front of a
  game like those crap?! this won't be
  anything but just filling up place on
  the disk for such bad games. sometimes
  the intro is bigger than the game
  itself. that'll be nonsense.

yes,ofcourse,talent,legend,enigma and
  all other ruling cracking groups use
  fat intros because the games they
  crack are always cool'n'allready quite
  a lot of place filling games and

so,see my point:the intro of a crack
  must suit to the crack itself. if it's
  lame,simply install a lame intro.
  but if it's cool and allready long,put
  a cool intro with graphix,music etc..

                 yours,THE BOSS/ACCYRACY

well,they both got some very strong
  points there!!
  i must say that the shit(?) game
  switch-blade was first-released by
  ikari+talent and the boss wrote,their
  games are always cool!
  a little strange,heh!
  we'll find out what the majority thinx
  of short intros within a month,as then
  the result of the opinion-poll will
  be known!!
  after that,you can judge for yourself
  to use shorties or fatties!!
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