Brutal Recall 05 ch20

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Latest revision as of 01:25, 19 June 2007

             "HOW'S FRANCE?"

this report about the FRENCH scene was
  written by ALF from VANITY.
  i hope you will enjoy it and know much
  more about france after reading it...

some years ago there were alot of french
  cracking groups like:YANKEES,OPALE,
  but most died years after tears and
  now there are only two groups left,
  namely: BABYGANG and TRANSCOM.
  but BABYGANG doesn't release many
  cracks and TRANSCOM is also a BELGIAN
  group. the most wellknown member of
  tcom is certainly UNKNOW,the famous
  cracker,who's now 52 YEARS old!
  everybody can remember the war between
  BABYGANG and TRANSCOM,around 1989,
  (when BYG released "PRISE DE TETE")
  but it's just an old story now.
  recently BABYGANG released their last
  demo called "HEXAGONE" which included
  TRANSCOM got some problems after their
  coop with X-RAY split up,but all seems
  ok now.
  around those two groups there's no-one
  else for cracking.
  hopefully there're more demo groups:
  ZIG-ZAG,TWI,IONIX DESIGN and a new one
  called EXIT!
  but the quality of their products is
  very low,except for IONIX DESIGN (who
  released as first demo: GOLDEN MIX)
  this group will release their new demo
  soon,and at this moment we will judge
  their work right.
  i don't speak about all the lame SWAP
  GROUPS,they're too much and too boring
  to be considerate as real "groups".
  but i must tell you about a particular
  case: many ex-members of french groups
  joined FOREIGN and ELITE groups.
  for example SODIUM/ATOM joined F4CG,
  TOMAHAWK joined PADUA after the death
  of OPALE,JITY/GENESIS was before in
  TCOM and BABYGANG and myself,i was in
  BABYGANG  before joining VANITY.
  all those guys were certainly bored by
  the french groups and so decided to
  join strong foreign groups.
  now there's a special situation in
  france:everybody is looking away,the
  swapping between french is not very
  active/fast..., and there's too few
  but the AMIGA is more wellknown than
  the C64,and many dudes left the C64
  and are now very active on AMIGA.
  even if some guys come back on C64,
  like YANKEES,it's not enough.
  hopefully there's still some cool
  but for how long?

  that's all!
  i'm waiting for your reactions!

i want to thank you,alf,for writing this
  report which shows us how the scene in
  FRANCE looks like!!

  if you have anything that is connected
  with france then please send it to:

            "BRUTAL RECALL!"

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