Propaganda 25 ch02

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Latest revision as of 23:02, 18 June 2007

                      COUNT ZERO/SCS*TRC
 A very slow time it has been since
 we gathered here a while back.
 Nevertherless we entertain you once
 again with a release list covering
 about 1O weeks of releases.
 It appears that the infamous
 'SUMMER HOLE' has moved in time just
 like ecologists have foreseen.

 The list is back.
 You may not release, but we do !
 There is no escape.
 Surrender !

|THE RULES| based on Psychobilly's Pulse
|THE RULES| rules. Revised for the net.

  Your release has to be uploaded to
  either one or both ftp sites which
  are currently taken into consideration
  for the list.

   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  Gangstar's Paradise
   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  The Digital Dungeon

   Uploads go into  pub/c64/incoming/

  Incase of problems also 2ND TO NONE
  will be checked for the upload.

 Whenever the upload has happened you
 HAVE to mail us.

 Either mail me, Count Zero at:

  countO(at)   or Newscopy at


 If you do NOT send us a mail, we will
 ignore the release.
 For example, I ignored this time:

 ALL Motiv8 releases,the Chromance
 release '64 LUFF' and maybe some more.
 Thank Dodger that Excess and WOW+Role
 are included in this list.

     No Mail - No Points ... Period

 Your mail doesn't have to include the
 release again. Just the name of the
 release is fine ... additional comments
 are welcome, but not needed.
 Incase you release is a 1OO% version
 of a game, please state whatever was
 corrupt on a previous version.

 Your mail is taken as a timestamp, as
 it is quite impossible to fake the
 time on my mailserver, so this is a
 very secure method to get a release's

 We will NOT accept mails from anonymous
 remailers if your original address is
 not known to us. Use your ISP's
 mailserver or let someone else handle
 your internet relations.

 We are not spending points on releases
 written in Basic (even if it contains
 SOME ML instructions) or if the
 program was created using any of the
 known construction kits, game-makers
 or seucks.

 Points are given on english games ONLY.
 Multilanguage is welcome aswell.
 Game graphics don't need to be
 translated, incase they are not
 elementary to the game or it's

 The general 6 months rule and the
 known 24 hours rule apply to this list
 aswell. They are known from the Pulse
 Magazine and are not repeated here.

Points are spent like this:

 O.O - 3.O For the QUALITY of the GAME.

 O.O - 2.O For the QUALITY of the CRACK.

 + 2.O     For a PAL/NTSC FIXED release.

 + 1.O     For an already PAL/NTSC
           working release or if the
           game was released on one of
           these systems before.

 O.1 - 1.O For something special.

 - 1.O     For ANY cracking bugs, 2nd
           versions or things we simply
           dislike (No Trainers, No
           Levelpacking, etc.)

 O.O - 3.O For TOOLS!

 O.O - 1.O For Previews

 - 5.O     For ANY re-release


 Previews HAVE to be playable. So-called
 V2 previews will be mentioned, but will
 get no points.

 PAL/NTSC seems to be a topic lasting
 forever. A game is considered fixed
 whenever it looks like the PAL version.
 It is allowed to move sprites from the
 upper to the lower border to make them
 more visible, BUT slowing down music
 and game play is NOT needed.

 I am not going to discuss whether that
 particular game requires a special
 fix-byte to slow down the timer or not.
 There are enough people out there who
 can lead a serious discussion.
 I mostly stick to what opinion I made
 up myself, but aswell I do listen to
 what people tell me. So if you think
 that YOU re right, prove it to me.

  |The list in this issue was started|
  |                                  |
  | on the 29th of August and closed |
  |                                  |
  | on the 15th of November in 1997. |

|ALPHAFLIGHT 1970|            6.7 Points

 Right after their summer break they
 returned with 2 full games to entertain
 most of us. FLIPTRIS gained 2.5 and
 stayed PAL only while PENNY made it
 to the NTSC version and received 4.2
 Points for it's current form of
 Kyril V2 preview received O.O Points.
 See the rules.

|EXCESS|                      O.2 Points
 Bloody Stars Preview (O.2 Points) must
 have been a joke, I assume.

|F4CG|                        O.1 Points

 It's just a shame that a simplification
 of the rules has hit them.
 When we started the list based on the
 internet we decided to give ANY
 re-release a straight -5.
 Unluckily their release of THEPSOS PRV.
 HAS to be counted as a re-release.
 While other magazines only do a -1
 on preview re-releases, we punish even
 THEPSOS was written by Greenfrog/Motiv8
 a long time ago and released by RSI
 using the original name: SYNOPSIS
 Therefore a minus of 5 points was given
 to the fantastics.

 All this made them go even stronger and
 they came up with the final version of
 FROGS AND FLIES which received 2.7
 points. The traditional +1 for an
 already PAL/NTSC running game is
 A boring but still funny game was
 released by them using the name
 GIRLTRIS. Unfortunately it is PAL only
 and therefore just achieves 2.4 points.

|DAMN    I missed a re-release! And it |
|DAMN...     was even produced by a    |
|              Motiv8'd groupie !      |
|                                      |

|LAXITY|                      2.5 Points

 Still not running up to top speed or
 quality they try to make it better
 every time.
 Old school groups simply HAVE to watch
 out for these newcomers ... some day...

 Their contribution for this list is
 quite old already, but has to be
 awarded in some way.
 5*5 +FIX gained 2.5 points. A deduction
 of -1 points was taken due to a pretty
 stupid fuck-up on the game.
 This bug can be found on the hiscores
 when not having them on disc and not
 saving them to disc. They are totally
 fucked in that case then.

+------------------------------+ Points

 The co-op ran very slow this time.
 While they set up another web-based
 BBS, the releases surely went short.
 Just SKIDMARKS PREVIEW made it to the
 FTP's and got O.5 Points.

|WOW+ROLE|                    O.3 Points

Another preview which would have been
ignored if Dodger wouldn't have mailed
us is TERMINUS 2 PREVIEW (O.3 Points).
Just like on the EXCESS release I'd have
preferred NOT seeing this game, but I
can't help it ...


 Shame on all of you, but it's true!

 Legend didn't manage to put out
 something so far and everybody is
 waiting for them. Let's hope they come
 up with new games aswell and not all
 that stuff they still might have in
 their disc boxes.

 No sign of live from Onslaught aswell.

 5 full games and 3 previews within 1O
 weeks ! Let's all hope for more action
 until christmas.

Now for the rankings ... like it or not.

  RANK                         STATUS

           ALPHAFLIGHT           d=b
   1.      ALPHAFLIGHT 197O      'o'
   2.      Laxity
   3.      Success and TRC        \/

   4.      WOW + Role             ..
   5.      Excess
   6.      F4CG                   /\

   See you again next time ...

                      Count Zero/SCS*TRC
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