Propaganda 12 ch06

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Latest revision as of 21:23, 18 June 2007



Feedback this month does not only in-
clude comments and critics about the
magazine itself, but events that have
proved to be pretty hilarious, ending
up in a lot of hot air.

The event under consideration has
turned out to a fight, where the case
on its counterpart lost ground, forcing
them to use personal slags and rags
to prove their innocence.


Dear Hackers,

We are not stupid. We know our past,
what we've been doing, what others have
been doing. Or do we really?

A while back the group VISION was re-
built. At that point it was REBUILT. At
that point, none of the Danish members
were aware that the Swedish coders
ICON and HOUBBA were having their own
little VISION, basically not doing
anything though. People on the scene
reacted, and righteously, as this was
not an original creation, but a brave
attempt to breath air into a project
that ended ages ago.

VISION got pissed and claimed the opp-
osite. Many of the members had in fact
been in the original VISION when it was
around last time. SATAN, RAY, X-RADICAL
and the lot of others. I can only giggle
as you claim so.

- Now let's get things very STRAIGHT
  here. VISION was built up in Holland
  over 5 years ago. These Dutch people
  still run VISION on the Amiga, as they
  went Amiga at a pretty early stage.
  Among others, HEIN DESIGN was in.

  VISION, however, kept going on the
  8-bit scene, thanks to CURLIN who had
  entered VISION in the early days as

  Now, everybody with a slight sense of
  scenehistory also knows that VISION
  was rebuilt a few times. A success-
  ful demopumper back in the late 8O's
  and early 9O's. A decent crack/code
  group later on. At all these stages
  CURLIN was in, guarding his legacy.

  Now don't get me wrong here. I was
  in VISION as well, along with JUCKE
  and A LOT of people. In 1992, the
  talented Danes (SATAN+RAY) entered,
  and gradually their power was in-
  creased, finally letting SATAN take
  take charge of the Danish section as
  I was managing the rest with JUCKE,
  but a while later I felt a sudden
  urge to leave the group. Why?

  CURLIN had left his project, leaving
  it for a destiny, and without any
  particular original root, I felt we
  did the right thing leaving VISION,
  as it was not really our group. Many
  others, however, remained, while we
  formed CALADAN with some others,
  later on ending up in GENESIS.

It's all fair and easy to say there are
plenty of 'original'-members since the
last VISION at this point, but from the
original one? The answer is simple and
straight; No. Undisputable facts.

That's why I consider the group to be
a fake.


Furthermore, you go on about 'having
your rights to build it'. Sure you do.
Who can stop you at this point? But
people will react. You laugh at me
and say 'you even left VSN before

- Yes I did, and have explained why
  above. I consider it fairly obvious
  why as well.

In the note made by WOLF, you do not
only dispute the facts made by history
itself, but tend to personally insult
and invent lies in order to make me
appear unreliable. God you are pathetic
trying to gain dignity for your group
that way!

You do not imply. No, you claim the
reason for my opinions about your
group rests beneath one only thing;

*  SATAN + RAY both being GENESIS
   members, being heavy talents in
   our cracking-division leaving us for
   the new VISION.

Furthermore, you quote and mark my
words as I saluted them when they teamed
up in GENESIS a couple of months back,
as I talked warmly of them as 'new
talents', 'the new breed' etc. Mark
my words. What we are talking about,
are two terribly gifted crackers, and
they still are, no matter what group
they are in. If I was to take revenge

for somebody leaving GENESIS I'd prob-
ably be a crackpot, and a goddamn
childish one. The loss of SATAN and
RAY was a setback for us, but still
we never experienced them having the
devotion for GENESIS that the rest
of us share. So maybe their choice was
the wisest of them all, as VISION seems
to claim a certain position in their
hearts. I hope they finally found a
home, because they deserve something
where they can give and take.

I consider both of them being very
cheerful and aimable friends, and will
probably cheer thru a beer with them,
when in Denmark, but seeing a mindless
little twart like WOLF claiming I more

or less bribed them with a modem in
order to make them GENESIS-members
makes me want to laugh, and by golly
I do. What you do not know, you shall
shut up about.

- But for the nosy ones, I can gladly
  claim my rights. I offered SATAN a
  modem. Not because I wanted him to
  join, but because it would ease up
  communication in a 1OO% modem-based

  I also promised a lot more, but at
  this point, JUCKE was caught by the
  Swedish Telecom, and we experienced
  somewhat of a setback that took some
  time to get thru. Only late this

  summer, things got back to normal.
  Only then, we realized how little
  GENESIS was for our Danish members.

I never said YOUR members were lame, as
I know they're not. You claim I did. I
know you have a strong crew, a creative
crew with great abilities. I was never
talking about the members - I was
talking about the group. So far I've
seen a few cracks, and all of them have
seemed jolly good, so there is no way
I doubt your abilities, qualitywise
that is.

But the more I think of it, the more
I come to realize the simple truth:

The note edited by WOLF was in my
eyes some what ridiculous. Claiming
I wanted revenge says it all. And
furthermore, turning the whole affair
into personal insults, instead of
keeping up the war commenting whether
I considered them to be good crackers
6 months back or not. God, listen to
it. But, come to think of it, I would
be offended as well, dear WOLF. If
somebody with respect and dignity,
was threatening me, and I was having
the feeling I was losing it, I would
probably desperately struggle to gain
my rights. If somebody with a lot more
importance and possibilities to affect
was to do that, I would act childishly
and naive as well. Probably not

spending a thought about the come of

I would probably claim my enemy was
'a highly unreliable person' as well,
not knowing a single penny about
anything. Performing personal insults
is very hazardous, and incredibly
pathetic. I'm laughing, and so are
a million others. Slightly bending my
head backwards, trying to figure out
what your reaction will be like.

We can go over things again, the quick
way. If somebody decided to reform
THE ROLLING STONES in 1O years, you'd
probably claim it was a fake if the
original members were not in. You'd

probably even consider them something
else, if only Mick Jagger was missing.
Why? Because he was the frontman, and
their obvious member.

It is exactly the same way I look at it,
and many many others. If I wasn't to
talk to ANTICHRIST and DEBBIE a couple
of times a week, letting them in on
our actions and listening to his
advice I'd leave his legacy at the
itch of a second.

I do not create enemies. I do not
intend to fight wars with people,
at these late years of the 64. But I
would sincerly appreciate if you
thought twice about your behaviour

towards me. If you thought twice about
the way you've handled things and the
way a group should be run.

I know I would. But then again, I'm
not a member of VISION, and I'm
glad for it.

There are still some important matters
that I will focus on.

1. SATAN was taken into VISION as a
   result of decision through me,
   you into the group, WE, after some
   time, let you take charge of the
   Danish section, in order to ease
   things up for all of us.

2. We never bribe or offer things in
   order to get people into GENESIS. We
   have a share of people willing to
   pay to join. And by far, many of
   them could be doing a decent job
   cracking as well..So there.

3. X-RADICAL'S unfortunate appearance
   in GENESIS was a mistake caused by
   confusion. He promised a lot and
   behaved highly unlikely. He intended
   to publish a diskmagazine (though we
   had PROPAGANDA), of course not
   letting us know, then it appears he
   has a European board, going for G*P
   without us knowing. (and by far not
   having intentions of supporting in
   any way) and finally behaving badly

   against our dear fellow partners in
   SUCCESS, with whom we GLADLY shared
   the best board in the world, DIVINE
   ULTIMATUM. As a result of this, it
   was an obvious sack.

4. Caesar, your American member, was
   even booted from DOWN BY LAW, today
   the leading board in the scene, for
   his behaviour. He has a board, and
   we all laugh about it.

Look at it any way you want. There are
a million people considering your att-
empt a load of laughs, but then again
there are probably people behind your
backs as well. Whatever you decide to
do, I'm leaving it be from here.

Yours Sincerly,

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