Propaganda 05 ch06

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Latest revision as of 20:36, 18 June 2007

    Usually we list comments in this
   section about peoples opinions on
    PROPAGANDA. From the responses I
 recieved this month, it will be easier
 to generalize them rather then to type
             them all out.

The main topic mentioned was The Charts.
 As I explained in the editorial I knew
 this would be a problem. And also went
 into detail about how the charts would
be taken. The charts we have this month
and will have for the future issues will
  be as accurate as possible. The only
    thing that can alter them is not
   everyone will vote. We have called
most of the top boards and tried to get
   as many voted as possible. We have
  listed the people who did vote,and I
  can assure you that not one vote was

changed. You made these charts, not us.
And If you don't like them maybe it will
give you the push that is needed to make
     you vote in the next issue...
  We do allow you to vote for your own
 group members and boards. I trust that
          you will vote FAIR.

  We also recieved compliments on the
 outfit of the mag. People saying such
 things as the text was interesting and
 informative. We thank you for that and
       we will keep it that way.

  In the next issue we will be back to
the original feedback section so please
  give us a call on the MYSTIC CAVERN
 (555-555-5555) or write to us and let
    us know what you think! Any new
  ideas or changes will be considered.

    Another comment was that most of
  the text was one sided. Again I must
  say that it's up to you to get your
  opinions printed, and that means YOU
 must act on it. Send us your articles!
   The more interesting they are, the
better we like them. We don't want this
 magazine to seem one sided. That's not
         what we are here for.

So to sum it up, you don't have to love
  us to get your point of view across.
  Never think that you have to be our
 best friend to get an article printed.

  Whether we have the same opinions on
  a certain topic or not, your article
    will be added and we will remain
       We hope to hear from YOU!
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